Our Coaches


I have always been involved with some kind of sport. I played everything from Rugby to Tennis to cycling. I love playing sport and pretty much tried my hand at everything. 

Due to bad lifestyle choices and being part of band that gigged a lot I didn't pursue any sport. I wasn't training any more etc. I got overweight and unhealthy. I needed a change. 

I was introduced to CrossFit by a colleague and friend Jannes Labuschagne (the ex Springbok Lock). My first workout was a WOD called “Murph”. Go check it out...it's a tough one. Needless to say I didn't get very far into the WOD, but I loved it. I loved the fact that it challenged me and that I had to push myself harder all the time. And that is how my journey began. I loved being sore and I loved the fact that no day was ever the same. No routines, and we covered so many domains of fitness, strength and skills.

I have always loved helping people. It's always been part of my life. So the natural progression for me was to start coaching. I did my L1 in 2013 but had already been an apprentice for a year prior. I was involved at the first CrossFit box in South Africa- CrossFit B4C- and they were instrumental in setting me up on this journey. 

So with CrossFit I combine my love for people and for sport and I am able to hopefully change lives in the process.

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